Automatic Firmware Emulation through Invalidity-guided Knowledge Inference


Code Utilization Attempts


Install Vagrant

sudo apt-get install virtualbox vagrant


If virtualbox --version gives an error as The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist. Please install the virtualbox-dkms package and the appropriate headers, most likely linux-headers-generic., try to disable secure boot in BIOS configuration and rebot.

Download uEmu

git clone
cd uEmu

Modify the RAM allocation in uEmu/Vagrantfile to 8192 MB, or it may fail to build afl-fuzz:

vb.memory = "8192"

Lanuch a virtual machine

Start a vritual machine from the vagrant file in the repo:

vagrant up  # this will take a while, please be patient
vagrant ssh # connect to the virtual machine

Now, you will enter the virtual machine:

pwd is /home/vagrant, the uEmu/ folder on the host is mounted into /vagrant/ folder on the vagrant VM.

Test Firmwares (.cfg included)

My re-organized real world firmware repo:

Use git clone to clone them into the local space.


Since,, uEmu-config-template.lua and library.lua must be placed in the same work path with the binary to test, First copy those files along with into folder, for example:

cd /vagrant
cp uEmu-config-template.lua library.lua ~/uEmu-real_world_firmware

Enter the firmware folder:

cd ~/uEmu-real_world_firmware

Example: P2IM.Drone.elf

Extract KB:

python3 P2IM.Drone.elf P2IM_Drone.cfg

Ignore the warnings. and uEmu-config.lua are generated from this command. Run to generate knowledge base (KB) file:


It mainly runs S2E for symbolic execution. Wait for a few minutes:

A KB file P2IM.Drone.elf-round1-state10-tbnum1371_KB.dat (some numbers may differ) will be produced in s2e-last, copy it into ./ and then start dynamic analysis and fuzzing:


Don’t specify kb file like s2e-last/P2IM.Drone.elf-round1-state10-tbnum1371_KB.dat when generating because the s2e-last will be overridden by outputs of the last execution of s2e, as s2e will serve as dynamic analyzer when fuzzing, the KB file might not be found when executing fuzzing and dynamic analysis. Copy the file out or use s2e-out-xxx/xxx as its path.

python3 P2IM.Drone.elf P2IM_Drone.cfg -kb P2IM.Drone.elf-round1-state10-tbnum1371_KB.dat 

A ./ appears after running the command.

Example: XML_Parser

After reading git log of uEmu-real_world_firmware, I found that WYCNINWYC in the docs example is actually changed as XML_Parser. So I use it as an example here to run.

Extract KB:

python3 XML_Parser.elf XML_Parser.cfg

Get and run it:


Get the KB file, copy it into pwd and generate AFL file:

cp s2e-last/XML_Parser.elf-round1-state51-tbnum1061_KB.dat ./
python3 XML_Parser.elf XML_Parser.cfg -kb XML_Parser.elf-round1-state51-tbnum1061_KB.dat -s small_document.xml

Get script, to run the fuzzing and dynamic analysis simultaneously, you need to start two terminals as:

Terminal 1

  • Fuzzing (AFL)

  • Input test-cases


Terminal 2

  • Dynamic analysis (S2E)

  • Consume test-cases


When terminating AFL, the other process will end automatically.

Reproduce the vulnerabilities

It is mentioned in the paper that uEmu helps in finding two previously unknown bugs in Steering_Control and \(\mu\)TaskerUSB.


The bug is caused by out-of-bound write. The USB driver only uses a receive buffer of 512 bytes to read an input of up to 1,024 bytes, resulting in DoS or data corruption.

python3 uEmu-real_world_firmware/uEmu/uEmu_utasker_USB/uEmu.uTasker_USB.out uEmu-real_world_firmware/uEmu/uEmu_utasker_USB/uEmu_utasker_USB.cfg
cp s2e-last/3/uEmu.uTasker_USB.out-round1-state4086-tbnum1019_KB.dat ./
python3 uEmu-real_world_firmware/uEmu/uEmu_utasker_USB/uEmu.uTasker_USB.out uEmu-real_world_firmware/uEmu/uEmu_utasker_USB/uEmu_utasker_USB.cfg -kb uEmu.uTasker_USB.out-round1-state4086-tbnum1019_KB.dat 


I modified S2E_MAX_PROCESSES as 4 in to make S2E run in 4 workers, but it still took 7695s to finish, which is much longer than the time (227s) marked in the paper. (I have already re-launched the vagrant VM with 16 cores and 48 GB RAM).

Then I reverted S2E_MAX_PROCESSES to 1 and found it runs even faster, which is really weird.

Related issue:

Then start two screens to run ./ and ./ respectively. After about 7 hours, it found some crashes as:

And a bunch of identical warnings in s2e-last/warnings.txt like:

AFLFuzzer: Kill Fuzz State due to out of bound read, access address = 0x21 pc = 0x800f7d8


TODO: I don’t have the source code of this firmware (may be this one) and can’t locate the bug.

  • I uploaded the binary to an online disassembler: , and try to find out what instruction at 0x800f7d8 (it looks like jump to an external function at address 0x808dc24 as BLCS may refer to a conditional jump)

  • Run the firmware with QEMU to see the crash



It is caused by a double-free of a string buffer, allowing for arbitrary write. More specifically, the firmware uses dynamic memory to store the received data from the serial port. If the memory allocation fails, the same buffer will be freed twice.


I guess it may refer to L131-132. As command and value are declared as Strings:

String command; //Keep track of our command as it comes in
String value;

But assigned with Strings read from Serial

      command = Serial.readStringUntil(','); //Read all of the command
      value = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); //Read all of the value to set

I have almost no knowledge about Arduino, but at least for C/C++ (see std::string::operator=), String is allocated dynamically as it has undetermined length, = only copies the reference shallowly. When the moved string is deleted, it will issue an error when deleting command and value again, which happens automatically when the two variables are deconstructed.

python3 uEmu-real_world_firmware/P2IM/P2IM_Steering_Control/P2IM.Steering_Control.elf uEmu-real_world_firmware/P2IM/P2IM_Steering_Control/P2IM_Steering_Control.cfg

Copy out the P2IM.Steering_Control.elf-round1-state0-tbnum385_KB.dat run

python3 uEmu-real_world_firmware/P2IM/P2IM_Steering_Control/P2IM.Steering_Control.elf uEmu-real_world_firmware/P2IM/P2IM_Steering_Control/P2IM_Steering_Control.cfg -kb P2IM.Steering_Control.elf-round1-state0-tbnum385_KB.dat

Then run the two processes mentioned above on different screens.

Frankly speaking, I let the AFL-fuzzer over night but it never crashed.

To view the last few lines of s2e-last/warning.txt file:

tail -100 s2e-last/warning.txt
# AFLFuzzer: 1 what happen when we are hang at pc = 0x811d4, maybe add it as a crash point
# AFLFuzzer: 1 what happen when we are hang at pc = 0x8125e, maybe add it as a crash point
# AFLFuzzer: 1 what happen when we are hang at pc = 0x8127a, maybe add it as a crash point
# AFLFuzzer: 1 what happen when we are hang at pc = 0x811d8, maybe add it as a crash point
# AFLFuzzer: 1 what happen when we are hang at pc = 0x811da, maybe add it as a crash point
# AFLFuzzer: 1 what happen when we are hang at pc = 0x80ee0, maybe add it as a crash point
# AFLFuzzer: 1 what happen when we are hang at pc = 0x816b8, maybe add it as a crash point
# AFLFuzzer: 1 what happen when we are hang at pc = 0x811e6, maybe add it as a crash point
# AFLFuzzer: 0 what happen when we are hang at pc = 0x8071a, maybe add it as a crash point
# AFLFuzzer: 0 what happen when we are hang at pc = 0x813ca, maybe add it as a crash point

It may indicate the existence of this bug.


Anyway, in my opinion, the bug is hard to trigger because it requires the returned string from Serial.readStringUntil() to be freed before the program ends, which never occurs in runtime and prevents us from verifying the consequence via a fuzzer. I doubt if this bug was indeed discovered by the dynamic method proposed in this paper.~~ Even though I totally agree that it is a terrible coding style to directly assign reading buffer to dynamic memory.

Code Analysis Read the firmware name, configuration (and knowledge base file, seed file) from CLI, fill out placeholders in

  • to generate specified,

  • to generate,

  • uEmu-config-template.lua to generate uEmu-config.lua, which is used in as S2E configuration file (actually useless except in debug mode)